Why Manifestation Is Worth A Go (Even If You Don’t Believe In It…)


Okay, I admit it: I’m a bad blog mum.

I’ve been so neglectful, it’s getting embarrassing.

I’ve been so caught up with other stuff and it’s meant I haven’t paid this little page any attention in about forever.

One of the things I’ve been doing is a super-interesting little 21-Day Manifestation Challenge run by the gals at Mind High Club – and before you write it off as woo woo crap, just bear with me for a second!

I admit: I’m not 100 percent sure where I land on this stuff yet. I would like it to be real, I honestly would. The idea that I can think/feel/positive mindset my way to everything I want is definitely a sweet, juicy one. I also know a fair few people who’ve put manifestation practices into, er, practice and say they have called all sorts of super stuff into their lives, from dream lovers to ideal careers, perfect homes… I mean, so much good stuff.

Then on the other hand, it seems too good to be true. And when I’m having a depressive episode, I wonder if my misery (that I try to shake but often can’t) could be unwittingly bringing me a life that I DON’T love. Eek! Scary prospect, especially when you’re not just feeling sad but actually have depression and can’t just ‘snap out of it’.


But with all that said, I loved my 21-day challenge – and not because I’ve whipped my dream life into creation within the space of three weeks (but I’m still hopeful it’s on its way!)

So here’s how it all goes down: each day, there’s an audio to listen to, presented by Cassie and Christie, the beautiful souls behind the program. They explain what manifestation is, talk about the science (yes, real science – quantum physics, to be exact) behind the whole shebang, they talk about the law of attraction, about what kinds of practices help put you in the space to manifest (like meditation and gratitude, for example).

There’s also daily guided meditations and activities to complete, and then it all wraps up with a daily affirmation. It’s all very positive, very feel good, and left me feeling all gooey and full of goodness every time I did the day’s work. (PS, all you need is about a half hour MAX to get through the day’s to-dos.)

Sooo… did it work?

After doing my 21 days, I’ve decided (plot twist!) that it doesn’t actually matter if manifestation is ‘real’ or not; if it actually works or it’s a big old hoax – because the practices that put you in the best position for manifesting an amazing life are all nothing but beneficial anyway. Things like…

Meditation (scientifically shown to offer major physical and mental health benefits). Self-love (how would this ever be bad?).

Honouring your emotions (yes, including the bad ones – if you feel shit, just feel shit and know that it’s okay. Stop beating yourself up for it!)

Gratitude (again, SO much science tells us that being grateful for the good things in your life – no matter how teeny tiny, like your morning coffee or having a snuggly doona – can boost our physical and mental health).

Nailing down your values (and ways to live in alignment with them).

Self-care & self-love (I mean, does this need an explanation?)

Mindfulness (because being present can help make you happier, calmer, more relaxed and appreciative, and can help you be more in tune with your thoughts and emotions.)

There’s a bunch of good stuff that can come from all these practices – and I feel like whether or not you “magically” (not magic, science, remember?!) create your dream life after doing them, either way, you’re in a better headspace, you’re taking care of yourself, you’re seeing the good in your life, you’re open and loving… and where is the downside in any of that?

(Hint: there isn’t one.)

*Also, just for the record – while I might not be living my ‘dream life’ just yet, I did have an idea for a business during one of the meditations that, just quietly, I think is going to go OFF… part of the reason I’ve been so neglectful of my writing lately!